I ended up going with two separate themes, making use of two rooms in our apartment. Our living room was the triple eight lounge. I decorated the room with eight-balls and lots and lots of candles. The eight-balls actually were a big hit, and they served as a great conversation piece! They also served as favors.
We were having so much fun, that I didn't have a lot of time to take pictures of all the different aspects of the decor, but here are a few:

The second room was set up as "Club 33," which is the secret club at Disneyland. I bought apartment door numbers (of course, I went with "33"), and placed them on the door to the room. Again, lots and lots of candles set the mood for a really relaxing evening.

For dessert, along with a large spread of goodies, I made red velvet cupcakes and decorated them as eight balls. I also made a large chocolate cake, which was also decorated like an eight ball.